Music Mania 知音人
播映日期 Date:
23/3/2022 (三 Wed)
節目內容 Programme:
1. 演藝同學會 - 香港中樂團嗩吶首席 馬瑋謙
Radio interview with Ma Wai-him, Suona Principal, Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
2. 音樂學院 - 協奏曲盛宴II
School of Music - Concerto Feast II
Approx. 90 mins
節目簡介 Programme Details
演藝同學會 - 香港中樂團嗩吶首席 馬瑋謙
Radio interview with Ma Wa-him, Suona Principal, Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
馬瑋謙畢業於香港演藝學院音樂學院,年紀輕輕便成為香港中樂團嗩吶首席。他接受同為演藝學院校友的著名DJ 啤梨(葉文輝)專訪,分享令他性格大反轉,用心追求音樂的契機,更即席用嗩吶演奏I Believe。
Ma Wai-him graduated from the School of Music of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA). As a young musician, he is already the Suona Principal of the Chinese Orchestra. In his interview with DJ Barry Ip, a fellow alumnus of HKAPA, he talks about the incident which changed his personality and prompted him to focus on his pursuit of music. Don’t miss his performance of I Believe on Suona.
音樂學院 - 協奏曲盛宴II
School of Music - Concerto Feast II
指揮 Conductor: 蔡敏德 Sharon Andrea Choa
演藝交響樂團 Academy Symphony Orchestra
洛夫雷格里奧:《茶花女幻想曲》 Lovreglio: Fantasia di La Traviata | 單簧管 Clarinet: 馮智銓 Frederick Fung Chi-chuen
陳志朗 Tony Chan Chi-long: 《跳掣》(世界首演) Tripping (World Première)
魏軍:《行者》 Wei Jun: Walker | 古箏 Guzheng: 羅灝恩 Law Ho-yan
拉赫曼尼諾夫:巴格尼尼主題狂想曲 Rachmaninov: Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini| 鋼琴 Piano: 黃蔚園 Valerie Wong Wai-yuen