Theatre and Entertainment Arts Masterclass
嘉賓 Guest:
葉卓棠 Moon Yip
Scenographer, multi-media artist
大師班簡介 About the Masterclass
葉卓棠 Moon Yip 曾為本地多部大型劇場製作及演唱會擔任舞台美學設計,其作品更曾多次代表香港⼊選「世界劇場設計展」及「布拉格劇場設計四年展」。是次大師班他不 但會引領你認識舞台空間,更會讓你親自做實驗性創作,運用「台、燈、聲」等不同的科藝媒介,建構屬於你的裝置藝術空間!
日期 Date:
31/7/2023 (一 Mon)
時間 Time:
14:00 - 17:30
地點 Venue:
The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
語言 Language:
廣東話 Cantonese
名額 Quota:
參加資格 Eligibility:
中四或以上會員 Members in Secondary 4 or above
對舞台及製作藝術有興趣 Interested in theatre and entertainment arts
特別適合有美術、設計或舞台經驗會員 Especially suitable for members with experience in art, design or and stage.
備註 Remarks:
大師班舉行前兩星期已報名的會員會收到個別通知,請按指示回答簡單問題 Members who registered will receive individual notification two weeks prior to the Masterclass. Please answer a few questions according to the instructions.
如報名人數超額,大會將進行遴選 If the registration is full, the participants will be selected.
嘉賓簡介 About the Guest
葉卓棠 Moon Yip
⽣於⾹港,跨媒體藝術創作⼈。創作範圍包括: 舞台美學設計、影像美術指導、視覺設計、遊戲概念美術及⾳樂創作等。葉⽒畢業於⾹港演藝學院主修舞台佈景及服裝設計,榮獲 (⼀級榮譽) 藝術學⼠學位。2011 年憑「法國五⽉」藝術節節⽬《無際空境》的舞台設計⼊選「布拉格劇場設計四年展 2011」。2012- 2013 年間,舞台及服裝設計作品隨鄧樹榮戲劇⼯作室《打轉教室》於「愛丁堡藝穗節 2012」演出,其後於國內城市巡演逾九⼗四場。2014 年於千百億網絡科技有限公司任創意總監,統籌及創作多部線上遊戲的概念美術製作。2017 年憑⿈⼦華舞台劇《前度》及⾵⾞草劇團《忙與盲的奮⾾時代》的舞台設計⼊選「世界劇場設計展 2017」。
2016- 2019 年間,⾳樂作品隨《⼈間.獨.⽩ II》被邀到世界各地演出,包括「德國杜塞爾多夫國際舞蹈博覽會2016」、「韓國釜⼭國際舞蹈博覽會 2018」及「布拉格劇場設計四年展 2019」等。
舞台美學設計近作包括: CHLOEOGRAPHY PROJECT《遙遙之城》(2018) 及《⼈圖》網上版(2020)、⾹港舞蹈團及演戲家族《⼀⽔南天》(2020)、達摩⼯作室《聖荷⻄謀殺案》(2020)、進劇場《時光》(2021)、演戲家族《路⽐和嫲嫲的鐵路5號》(2021) 及⾹港話劇團《兩相刃交》(2022) 等。
Born in Hong Kong, Yip is an interdisciplinary artist who simultaneously engages in various specialties, including performance design, media art direction, visual design, game concept art, and music composition. He graduated from the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) with a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree (First Class Honours), majoring in Theatre Set and Costume Design.
In 2011, his stage design work at Le French May Arts Festival 2010 La Demande d’emploi, was selected to exhibit at the 12th Prague Quadrennial (2011). 2012-2013, the set and costume design work collaborated on Detention by Tang Shu-wing Theatre Studio were presented during Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2012 and the China tour for over 94 performances. 2014, he was invited to join Billiongame Company Limited as Creative Director, to direct concept artwork production for a series of mobile games. In 2017, his stage designs for Skylight by Gold Blue Limited and Lazy People are Always Busy by Windmill Grass Theatre were selected as finalists in the professional section of World Stage Design 2017.
2016-2019, his music composition work collaborated on Heaven Behind the Door II by CHLOEOGRAPHY PROJECT was invited to perform at the Internationale Tanzmesse nrw 2016 (Germany), the 9th Busan International Dance Market 2018 (South Korea) and the 14th Prague Quadrennial- PQ Studio Festival (2019) (The Czech Republic).
The latest scenographic works in Hong Kong include Maybe Tomorrow (2018) and Our Atlas (2020) by CHLOEOGRAPHY PROJECT, A Tale of the Southern Sky (2020) by Hong Kong Dance Company and Actors’ Family, Murder in San José (2020) by Dharma Workshop Limited, Old Times (2021) by Theatre du pif, Cinematic Memories on Train No. 5 (2021) by Actors’ Family and Confrontations (2022) by Hong Kong Repertory Theatre, etc.
Moon is currently a part-time teacher for the Master of Fine Arts programme in Theatre and Entertainment Arts at HKAPA.
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