2023 演藝課程資訊日將於10月14日於灣仔校園及網上同步舉行。演藝青年之友會員更可於當日優先登記參加校園導賞團!
The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Info Day 2023 will be held on 14 October at our Wan Chai campus and online simultaneously. Young Friends of the Academy members can enjoy priority when you register for the guided campus tour!
You are invited to the premiere of Let Us Shine to watch the stories of students at HKAPA. Students featured in the series will attend the event to share their experience with you in person.
日期 Date:14/10/2023(六 Sat)
時間 Time:上午10時至下午4時
地點 Venue:香港演藝學院 灣仔校園 Wan Chai Campus, HKAPA