香港演藝學院今年的開放日將於5月22日(星期日)在網上舉行,匯聚表演藝術的力量,希望大家憑藉信念,共同抗疫!各位青年之友會員可預先登入活動網站: 報名,當日10時起便可透過活動網頁進入網上校園,欣賞到六大學院精心炮製的精彩短片。
由戲曲學院、舞蹈學院、戲劇學院、電影電視學院、音樂學院和舞台及製作藝術學院悉心準備的短片內容豐富,重點推介包括中西樂薈萃的「演藝精選音樂會」、結合靈性和情感的當代芭蕾舞《直到重遇那一天》、具韓國特色的當代舞蹈作品《鼓‧道‧行》和展現團結力量的現代舞作品《聚》、舞蹈動態捕捉項目: Alexander Whitley《METAMorphoses》、戲劇製作的精華片段、「想不到戲劇節2022」排練花絮、電影電視學生畢業作品預告片放映、舞台及製作藝術學院與客席媒體藝術家梁基爵合作,融合藝術科技的媒體音樂作品 《息在零地》及粵劇選段演出等。
HKAPA Virtual Open Day will be held on Sunday, May 22, 2022. Let us be empowered by the performing arts and embrace all challenges ahead together! Young friends members are cordially invited to sign up for the event on its website ( Starting at 10 am on the event day, registrants can take a spectacular tour of the virtual campuses and check out the fabulous videos prepared by our six Schools.
Six Schools of the Academy, namely, Chinese Opera, Dance, Drama, Film and Television, Music and Theatre and Entertainment Arts are once again working together to present a variety of videos, highlighted programmes include the Academy Showcase Concert with beautiful Chinese and Western pieces, a contemporary ballet piece Till We Meet Again that ties spirits and emotions, the breathtaking contemporary Korean-style dance piece Drum, a contemporary dance piece Coven that gives a sense of unity and bonding, a Dance Motion Capture Project: Alexander Whitley's METAMorphoses, highlights of drama productions, “The Unthinkable Drama Festival 2022”rehearsal scenes, screening of trailers of graduation projects and thesis projects of School of Film and Television students, Breathing at Zero, a collaborative work with guest media artist Gaybird exploring media and music through art technology, as well as Chinese opera excerpt performances.
Besides, the audio guided tour at Béthanie Landmark Heritage Campus is not to be missed. Registrants can learn more about the history of the picturesque site of more than 130 years old, including a neo-Gothic style chapel which is one of a kind in Hong Kong, it is also one of the most popular wedding venues in town; the exhibition hall area and the performance venue Béthanie theatre are converted from the historic cowshed. Registrants would be able to feel the charms and power of performing arts through the virtual journey and make the most of it even staying at home!
誠邀大家踴躍參加!Let's join us now!
立即報名 Sign up here: