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Theatre Arts attracted Youth Slash Nomads 舞台藝術吸引青年遊牧部落

Co-organised by the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) and hosted by the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (TWGHs), the two-day Theatre Arts Workshop was successfully held on 29-30 December 2018. The Workshop is one of the activities of "Slash Nomads Project" presented by TWGHs. It aimed to provide a platform for participants to understand the importance of performing arts in our society. It attracted the participation of many teenagers who are interested in theatre arts. Participants were taught different basic stage management theories and techniques through the different sessions, such as stage production, lighting design, and sound design. In addition, participants were assigned and completed different tasks during the Workshop, including a small scale stage production together in the final session. The participated students have expressed their enjoyment and appreciation for this Workshop. The two-day Workshop has enhanced participants' interest in theatre arts and understanding of HKAPA through detailed explanation from the facilitators. TWGHs thanks the Academy for the support in the Workshop.

由東華三院主辦、香港演藝學院協辦,為期兩天的舞台藝術工作坊於 2018年 12 月 29 及 30 日已順利舉行。這次活動是東華三院「遊牧部落Slash Nomads 計劃」其中一個重點工作坊,目的是提供平台給青少年學習及認識表演藝術的重要,因此吸引不少對舞台技術感興趣青少年參加。他們在實踐中學習不同的舞台管理知識,例如舞台製作、燈光設計、音響設計等基本理論及技術。參加者在學習過程中完成大小不同的習作,最後更共同完成一個小型舞台製作。參加者對活動反應良好,透過導師細心講解,兩天的工作坊加強了他們對舞台藝術的興趣及演藝學院的認識,主辦單位東華三院感謝演藝學院對活動的支持。


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