Organised by the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and sponsored by Asia Insurance, the "Opera Scene School Tour" was successfully held at the Baptist Wing Lung Secondary School on January 10. Under the direction of Professor Nancy Yuen and Associate Professor Hse Weien, students from the Department of Vocal Studies performed a series of opera scenes. Through the guided session and Q&A session, the performances have enhanced participated students' understanding and interest in classical music and opera performances. Two of the students from the Department of Vocal Studies, who are also graduates of the Baptist Wing Lung Secondary School, shared their study experiences at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. The participated students have expressed their admiration for the touching opera performances. The principal of Baptist Wing Lung Secondary School, Mr. Cheng Kai-lam thanked the Academy for the visit, especially the professional and amazing performances.
The Department of Vocal Studies regularly performs in secondary schools in order to strengthen the connection with schools and elevate students' interest in opera. Please stay connected for the latest announcement on our Tour.
由香港演藝學院主辦、亞洲保險贊助的《歌劇速遞》到校歌劇演出,於 2019 年 1 月10 日在浸信會永隆中學順利舉行。是次演出由音樂學院聲樂系阮妙芬教授及徐惟恩副教授帶領一眾聲樂系同學,演出著名的歌劇選段。演出透過導賞及問答環節,增強同學對古典音樂及歌劇表演的認識和興趣。這次活動的其中兩位表演者,更是浸信會永隆中學的畢業生。他們在演出後跟學弟妹分享了在演藝學院學習的點滴,場面温馨。浸信會永隆中學鄭繼霖校長感謝演藝學院的到訪,並稱讚歌劇表演能震動人心,希望將來有更多機會欣賞演藝同學的精彩演出。