The Academy aspires to become an institution of choice for talented young international students who are excited and motivated to explore the performing arts in Asia. In year 2018/19, over 50% of the non-local students were coming from China. In order to attract gifted students from Mainland, School of Chinese Opera organised a student recruitment tour in Guangzhou on 9 December 2018. It was targeted to recruit two batches of students, musicians and actors. Most of the candidates had solid training in Chinese Opera. They were keen to come study in Hong Kong as they were well aware of the unique and favourable environment for them in Hong Kong. The Office joined the tour and supported the logistic arrangement for the audition held atGuangdong Opera House.
香港演藝學院致力成為國際間培育表演藝術人才的學府,為有才華及有志於亞洲表演藝術發展的海外學生,提供升學機會。2018/19年度,學院的非本地學生中過半是來自內地的。 學生招募拓展處於2018年12月9日參與戲曲學院於廣東粵劇院舉辦的學生招募活動,招募有意成為樂師和演員的內地學生。參加面試的學生,大部份曾接受戲曲訓練;他們表示香港表演藝術的獨特環境和發展潛力驅使他們希望來港升學。