Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) School of Drama successfully held the Drama 1.0 Workshop on December 16 2018. The Workshop attracted the participation of many secondary students who are interested in drama performance. The Workshop enabled them to learn about drama through experiencing a wide range of activities, which includes voice demonstration, movement training, and acting rehearsal with the director. Toward the end of the Workshop, Dean of the School of Drama, Prof. Poon Wai Sum explained to the students the admission requirements of drama study, our teaching direction and facilities, as well as career path of our graduates. The participated students have expressed their appreciation for this Workshop, admiring especially the fantastic demonstration and touching expression of the actors and instructors.
The graduates of School of Drama performed under guiding of director
香港演藝學院戲劇學院於 2018 年 12 月 16 日首次舉辦演藝戲劇 1.0 工作坊。戲劇學院畢業生透過悉心編排的發聲示範和形體練習與觀眾互動;再加上導演跟演員即場排戲,讓同學體驗戲劇學院學生的真實上課情況。工作坊吸引不少有志報讀戲劇學位課程的中學生參加。戲劇學院院長潘惠森教授更親自講解學院的收生要求、教學方向、學院設施和畢業生的出路等同學關心的問題。同學對這次工作坊反應良好,透過演出者的演繹和導師講解,他們認識到真正的戲劇訓練過程,對報讀戲劇學院更有信心。