A two-day Devising Theatre Workshop was successfully held on 23 & 24 April 2019. The workshop broaden the boundaries of conventional script writing, encouraged all participants to share their personal stories with the theme of 'growth', 'life' and 'dream' through various drama activities, such as theatre games, improvisation, and stage movement exercises. These stories would become the key elements of their collective creation – the Devising Theatre.
The students found that the workshop was fun. Apart from learning drama skills and techniques, they were able to understand more about themselves through reflection and learn how to become an empathic listener. The event organiser and the instructor showed their appreciation to the Workshop and looked forward to similar events to be organised by the Academy in the future. This Devising Theatre Workshop was a pilot workshop of "Slash Nomads" programme of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (TWGHs), co-organised by the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA).
Group tutor facilitated the acting of the script 小組導師帶領同學排練劇本
為期兩天的編作劇場工作坊於 2019 年 4 月 23 及 24 日順利完成。編作劇場打破「一劇之本」的形式,讓學員由「自己」出發,透過劇場遊戲、即興練習、形體動作等,去分享自己的故事。之後在導師引導下集結素材,再以集體創作的形式,編作演出。
參與是次工作坊的同學以「成長」、「生活」和「夢想」為題。他們表示活動內容有趣;能學習戲劇創作及表演技巧之餘,更能引發他們反思生活,加深對自己的認識,和學習如何去聆聽別人的故事。主辦單位及老師一致認為工作坊對學生極具啟發性,希望演藝學院日後能舉辦更多同類型活動。 是次活動乃東華三院「遊牧部落 SLASH NOMADS 計劃」的試點工作坊,由東華三院主辦,香港演藝學院全力協辦。