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Conversation with Robert Lepage 與羅伯特利柏殊對話

Internationally renowned theatre master Robert Lepage, with his autobiographical work “887”, came to Hong Kong for the first time. He took time on Feb 28, 2019 to share with the academy's students, faculties, alumni and the industries about his experience of renovating the theatre over the years. An audience of 300 has attended this conversation at Lyric Theatre, the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. He explained first that the conservative style of the college when he studies theatre in the 1970s focused mainly on performing skills. It neglected the political and social issues from the drama prospective. Lepage prefers working with unique actors so that he could assemble different qualities to make his creation more organic. To bring the theatre work out to the international stage, he believes the work should start up first locally. Good stories can break through the international boundaries and the audience will be touched. He advocates to break down the "fourth wall" of the performance in order to live in the moment with the audience. Within an hour, the atmosphere of the conversation was interactive and warm. It totally realized the Lepage's concept of theatre, "Performers and members of the audience becoming one.”

Active exchange of the Academy's students學院學生踴躍交流

國際知名劇場大師羅伯特.利柏殊,隨其自傳式作品《887》首度來港演出。他撥冗於 2019 年 2 月 28 日,與學院學生、校友及業界暢談多年來革新劇場的經驗。活動在香港演藝學院歌劇院舉行,出席人數達三百人。他先分享 70 年代學院風氣保守,以學習表演技巧為主,少從戲劇層面觸及政治及社會議題。利柏殊寧願跟獨特的演員合作,更能結合不同的特質,令創作更富生命力。他認為作品要走向國際,先要扎根本土﹔好故事能打破國際界限,感動觀眾。他主張演出要打破「第四面牆」,與觀眾同呼同吸,才有感染力。一小時的對話,發問氣氛熱烈,體現利柏殊的劇場理念,「台上台下,打成一片」。


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