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Arts Accessibility Workshops Foster Social Inclusion 推行藝術通達 致力社會共融

The speaker Professor Lena Lee, Arts Specialist of ADAHK, introduced how to make effective audio description for a drawing. 主講嘉賓香港展能藝術會藝術顧問李瑩教授,介紹如何運用「口述影像」形容一幅畫。

Many culture and arts events were postponed due to the pandemic. In face of the challenge, the Academy continued to promote arts inclusion. Two online Arts Accessibility (AA) workshops were held by the Academy recently, in collaboration with Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong (ADAHK), the MoU partner of the Academy on 9 Dec 2020 and 13 Jan 2021.

Invited by the School of Dance, the first AA workshop was tailor made for Dance students. The School participated in the workshop held in 2019 with positive feedback from students and staff members. Students participated in the recent workshop also commented that it was a good opportunity to get exposed to and engaged in arts accessibility which inspired them to support the disabled to enjoy arts more creatively.

The second online workshop attracted over a hundred people to register, including students and faculty members of the Academy, arts practitioners, social workers, teachers, therapists, and students of other universities. With a participation rate of over 80%, the audience were actively engaged in the workshop and exchanged their ideas in the Q&A session enthusiastically.

At the end of the workshop, JK & Ingrid Lee Foundation Creative Project Fund wasannounced to encourage students of the Academy to create projects to promote social inclusion. Looking forward to more innovative ideas to come.

Pre-show touch workshop of the Academy’s drama production was a good example to assist visually impaired people to understand the setting of a play. 演藝學院戲劇製作的「演前觸感導賞」,是幫助視障人士了解舞台製作的最佳例子。




活動臨近尾聲,李瑩教授更介紹了特别為演藝同學而設的JK & Ingrid Lee Foundation創意項目基金,鼓勵同學籌辦創意活動,推動社會共融。我們對同學們的創新項目充滿期待!


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