Participants experienced the daily scenarios of a disabled person via role-play games 參加者透過角色扮演感受殘疾人士的生活處境
Student Recruitment and Community Engagement Office collaborated with Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong (ADAHK) to organise two well-received workshops on arts accessibility on the evenings of 25 September and 30 October 2019. Not only did the participating students, staff and guests learnt simple phrases of sign language, they also laid their hands on tangible representation of art pieces and experienced the daily scenarios of a disabled person via role-play games. Through these workshops, participants acquired essential understanding of arts accessibility and its requirement.
Professor Lena Lee, one of the speakers from ADAHK, introduced a tangible representation of an art piece. 香港展能藝術會講者李瑩教授介紹觸感製作藝術品
Participating students learnt simple phrases of sign language 參加的學生學習手語
學生招募拓展處聯同香港展能藝術會,於 2019 年 9 月 25 日及 10 月 30 日舉辦了兩場藝術通達工作坊,反應熱烈。參與的演藝學院師生、地區人士和其他院校的來賓,一同學習了表演場地常用的手語,還認識到觸感製作藝術品的創作意念。透過角色扮演,他們體會到殘疾人士的生活處境,從而瞭解藝術通達的概念和設計的基本要求。
To see more photos of the workshops, please click here.
Video excerpt of the workshops and sharing of participants 工作坊精華紀錄及參加者分享