去年暑期我們的 “Art Jamming 自由畫 Party” 大受歡迎,多謝各位會員熱烈參與!
今年我地將再接再厲,6月29日(六)在演藝學院 劇院大樓後台Paintshop 舉行一連兩場”Art Jamming 自由畫 Party”。你不但可以向來自英國的舞台設計師取經,更可認識我地讀舞台設計同學,一齊來個Art Jamming😎🤟🏻
Mark your calendars! The acclaimed Art Jamming Party returns this summer on 29th June (Sat). Last year's event was such a hit that we promise this year's creative gathering will be even better. You won't want to miss exploring Asia's largest Paint Shop at the Academy. Spend the afternoon learning from UK designers and meeting our theatre students. Don't miss out on this creative experience - registration is open for what is sure to be a memorable event full of art and new connections. Sign up today!
日期 Date│29/6/2024 (六 Sat)
時間 Time│1pm-3pm / 3pm-5pm
地點 Venue│香港演藝學院繪景間 Paint Shop, HKAPA
費用 Fee│全免 Free
報名 Registration│ 請按此Please click here
截止報名 Deadline of registration│16/6/2024 (日 Sun)
查詢 Enquiries│2584 8703 / 5793 0979 / srce@hkapa.edu