Gongs and Drums presents three pieces of Chinese Opera scenes in this Open Dress Rehearsal. Performed and accompanied by the students of the Performance Major and the Music Major of the Academy’s School of Chinese Opera. Production team comprises faculty members and students of the School of Theatre and Entertainment Arts, the performance includes:
1. 《月下追賢》Xiao He Chases after Han Xin
2. 《活捉張三郎》Catch Zhang Sanlang Alive
3. 《劉金定》之〈碎牌招親〉“Shatter the Marriage Challenge Sign” from Liu Jinding
日期 Date│13/6/2024 ( 四 Thu)
時間 Time│7:30pm
地點 Venue│香港演藝學院廖湯慧靄戲劇院 Rita Tong Liu Drama Theatre, HKAPA
費用 Fee│全免 Free
報名 Registration│ 請按此Please click here
截止報名 Deadline of registration│6/6/2024 (四 Thu)
查詢 Enquiries│2584 8703 / 5793 0979 / srce@hkapa.edu
秦末,韓信棄楚投漢,卻不被漢王劉邦重用,心灰意冷之下,趁夜幕降臨,離城東去. 丞相蕭何聞言,連夜追趕. 不辭勞苦. 以相位擔保,終在月夜把韓信勸返。
Programme Info:
Xiao He Chases after Han Xin
At the end of the Qin dynasty, Han Xin left the regime of Chu and turned to serve the regime of Han. However, Han Xin did not receive recognition from Liu Bang, the King of Han. In dismay, he left Han when the moon shone in the dark night. With the strong faith of retaining Han Xin to serve in the regime, the Prime Minister of Han, Xiao He, chased after Han Xin day and night despite all the dangers on the way. Xiao promised with a bet on his official position that Han Xin would be put in an important position by Liu Bang. Finally, Xiao He succeeded to convince Han Xin to return with his total sincerity.
Director: Hong Hai
Music Director: Mach Tuy Nghia
Percussion Director: Ching Weng-sung
Catch Zhang Sanlang Alive
During the reign of King Hui of the Song dynasty, a serious flood occurred in the county of Pei. Yan Xijiao had no choice but fled to Yunzhou of Shandong with her family. To bury her father who died in the disaster, Yan offered to marry someone for funeral expenses. Song Jiang paid Yan a lump sum of money and married her as his concubine. However, Yan had an affair with the follower of Song, Zhang Wenyuan (Sanlang). Learning of Yan’s infidelity, Song furiously killed Yan, who harboured resentment after death. Missing Zhang deeply, Yan sneaked into his house and caught him alive, in the hope of continuing their romance in the underworld.
Director: Tsai Chih-wei
Music & Percussion Director: Zhao Riwei
“Shatter the Marriage Challenge Sign” from Liu Jinding
In the early Song dynasty, Zhao Kuangyin, the Emperor of the Song, unified the states in the North. Li Yu, the King of the southern state of Nantang who still occupied the South, besieged Zhao at Shouzhou by feigning surrender. To rescue Zhao from the crisis, Gao Junbao, the nephew of Zhao, slipped away from the capital Bianzhou. When he passed Shuangsuo Mountain, he saw the marriage challenge sign set up by the lady Liu Jinding and shattered it. Gao took the challenge and had martial art competitions with Liu, who beat Gao with her extraordinary skills in three rounds of the fight. In their encounter, they gradually developed romantic feelings and exchanged their weapons and accessories to confirm engagement.
Directors: April Chow, Liu Li
Music Director: Mach Tuy Nghia
Percussion Director: Ching Weng-sung
Set Designer: Yammy Fung
Lighting Designer: Kelvin Woo
Sound Designer: Martin Lai
Production Manager: Mandy Mak