Sat, 05 Aug
Paintertainment: Art Jamming 自由畫 Party
於亞洲最大型的繪景間一齊開Art Jamming Party! Join the Art Jamming Party at our World-Class Scenic Art Workshop!
Time & Location
05 Aug 2023, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
HKAPA, 1 Gloucester Rd, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
About the Event
Art jamming你可能試過,但在亞洲最大型的繪景間畫畫你又試過未?今個夏天,帶同朋友一齊來參加Paintertainment: Art Jamming Party,我們將帶你深入演藝學院後台繪景間,實行一齊玩、一齊jam!毋須任何繪畫基礎,歡迎畫畫新手參加!
You may have tried art jamming before, but have you ever painted in the largest Paint Shop in Asia? This summer, join our Paintertainment: Art Jamming Party with your friends! We will bring you to the Academy’s Paint Shop deep in the backstage. Let’s jam together!
日期 Date │5/8/2023 (Sat)
時間 Time│2pm-4pm
地點 Venue │香港演藝學院繪景間 Paint Shop, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
活動內容 Programme│1. 自由畫 Art jamming; 2. 舞台及製作藝術畢業展導賞 TEA Graduate Exhibition
費用 Fee│Free 全免
名額 Quota│20
報名 Registration│請按此
截止報名 Deadline of registration│21/7/2023 (五 Fri)
查詢 Enquiries│ / 2584 8703
備註 Remarks:
1. 活動公開予《演藝青年之友》會員參加,可於活動報名表中同時登記成為會員。The activity is open to Young Friends members. You may register for membership on the activties registration form.
2. 活動以廣東話進行。The activity is conducted in Cantonese.
3. 有需要可自備圍裙。Bring your own apron if needed.
*香港演藝學院保留一切更改活動內容、日期及時間的權利。The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts reserves the right to amend the content and schedule of the programme.