Wed, 19 Jul
Costume Maker 101 戲服製作101
設計及製作你的專屬戲服 Design and make your own costume
Time & Location
19 Jul 2023, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
HKAPA, 1 Gloucester Rd, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
About the Event
Join our 2-hour guided tour and workshop to understand the basic concept of set & costume design. From theory to practice, the tour guides will share skills of set model making, installation, and story-telling through set and space. Costume design workshop will also guide you to design your own costume by using different materials.
日期 Date │19/7/2023 (三 Wed)
時間 Time│2pm-4pm
地點 Venue │香港演藝學院 The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts
活動內容Programme│1. 舞台及製作藝術畢業展導賞 TEA Graduate Exhibition gudied tour; 2. 戲服製作工作坊 Costume Making Workshop
費用 Fee│Free 全免
名額 Quota│ 20
報名 Registration│請按此
截止報名日期 Registration deadline │12/7/2023 (三 Wed)
查詢 Enquiries│ / 2584 8703
備註 Remarks:
1. 活動公開予《演藝青年之友》會員參加,可於活動報名表中同時登記成為會員。The activity is open to Young Friends members. You may register for membership on the activties registration form.
2. 活動以廣東話進行。The activity is conducted in Cantonese.